A Day on the Water — Steelhad Beads
Chartreuse Beads Hot on the Huron, April 8
Huron River Steelhead Mopworm Jigs Pegging Beads Steelhad Beads Steelhead Steelhead Jig

Huron Steelhead hitting chartreuse beads and a very bright Opaque Chartreuse UV bead was hot. I lost a huge silver hen after I pressured her in close, she ripped of a run ending in a high thrashing leap breaking off. My drag was set too tight after I screwed it down to pressure in a stubborn male that took a Mopworm Jig after the first few drifts of the day. During the long slump when I was pounding the run with the Mopworm Jig, then with jigs ahead of various trailing beads (that were not chartreuse). I got this Quill Back sucker. He...
23) Oct 23, Nov 1 & 8: Center Pin Jig Paterns for Coho, Steelhead & many Brown Trout
Center Pin Jigs Opal Minnow Jig Rubber Leg Fox Fur Jig Steelhad Beads

October 23, one for two for very hot steelhead on Yellow or Orange Candy Corn Glow Beads. The smaller Steelhead was a very well fed, solid 21.5 inch male. He was delicious. I got 8 browns, most of them on white jigs. November 1, Slow tough day, I foul hooked a steelhead.. Late in the day two guys also using center pin tackle came in below me, one guy was quickly one for two on good steelhead that hit his brown jig with yellow head and yellow rubber legs. I switched form beads to white jigs and started hitting browns quickly. ...