A Day on the Water — Kayak Pike
13) Saint Clair Delta, Pike and Bass on Popper Patterns, August 2, 2020
Bob's Banger Popper Kayak Bass Kayak Pike

9) Wakely C&R, Deep Water Bass on Popper Pattern, July 4
Creature Popper Kayak Bass Kayak Pike

Wakely Lake is one of Michigan's too few Catch and Release, off road fishing opportunities. It is a 1/2 mile walk in with a kayak on wheels down a gravel road. The Bluegills are bigger. The Bass are smarter and the occasional Pike are as mean as ever. I found no active bluegill beds and fishing for small bluegills and small bass back in the beautifully lush shallow weed cover was hard work for small fish. There were a few larger male bass guarding nests back behind the bull rushes, under low overhanging cedars, tough targets. Where are the big girls? ...