Kayak Fly Fishing Quanicassee River Top Water Large Mouth Bass 2024 #1 of 4

Bass Bass Poppers Kayak Fishing Popper Pattern

Water levels in Lake Huron and connected waterways is over a foot lower that last year.  My best shallow Quanicassee River spots, had less weed growth than previous springs and I caught few bass.

kayak bass fly fishing marabou popper Pattern
kayak bass fly fishing surface popper pattern

Down the "South Branch Canal", casting a 2/0 White Dive Banger very close to shore provoked 12 to 18 inch bass to either violently rush or stealthily stalk the popper.  Converting stealthy follows to hits frequently required a cat and mouse game of pauses, light twitches or pulling it under the water was sometimes effective. I got bass near the bend and some times a 2nd bass came to a follow up cast to the same spot.  Due to the lower water level, the low bridge was now passable and there were miles of water ahead.  It was on and off productive to casts to open pockets in the weed cover close to shore were possible. 

kayak bass Fly fishing surface popper pattern
kayak bass fly fishing surface popper pattern

Ahead was a Road Bridge over what I am calling the South Branch Canal. There was actually an intersection there with each road having its own dredged canal.  Sitting in the middle, I could continue South or turn East or West or take the best looking aditional 5th channel angling to the Southeast.  I quickly got 3 good bass just before dark.

kayak bass fly fishing marabou popper pattern
kayak bass fly fishing surface popper pattern


kayak bass fly fishing surface popper pattern
I finished with 22 bass landed but I had hooked over 50.  So many of them were getting off but apparently all the bigger ones stayed on the hook.

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