I went to Michigan's off road Catch and Release lake known for lots of big Blue Gills, lots of bass and an occasional huge Bass. It takes a half mile drag to get your kayak in. The water was darkly colored and I couldn't see deep enough to find any bedding Bluegills. I was prospecting along the edges of the Lilly pads and getting occasional bass to rush or eat a 2/0 White Dive Banger Popper fished in a steady cadence of medium pops followed bay a 10 second sit still 15 feet out from the kayak.
After landing three 13 inch bass, I photographed a 14 incher then a 15 incher. The bass were overly slender but in good health and fought plenty hard.
A wind change sent me paddling to the other side where I found some Pumpking Seed beds in the shallows and tied a #4 MopWorm popper on a lighter fly rod. That got stalked by some average Bluegills then taken by a good sized one.

Two more bluegills took the little popper deep, I was using all barbless hooks for the day but better to go to the #2 Mopworm popper.

I tried different flies including fishing deep with bead small head marabou minnows where I remember bluegill beds being last year and everything caught a Bluegill or Bass or two. Things had slowed down when I tied on a 2/0 Chartreuse Bullet Dog which immediately got hit by 2 small bass.
These fish have seen a lot of lures, but nothing that movers like the Bullet Dog. Another wind change sent me back to the other side where i had already fished, nothing until a huge hit, I set the hook but regretted that, this was a pike and I had no bite leader. I lightly played him and managed to land a small pike less than half the size I thought he was. I retied with a bite leader and quickly got another small pike. Got to some new lilly pad fields I hadn't fished yet, figured out the bass wanted a 3 snap pause and repeat retrieve and began taking bass at will. Not taking pictures, quickly releasing them, racing against the last hour of daylight trying to cross paths with one of those huge bass or pike. I got lots of bass, some a bit bigger, one throaty big suck that I didn't hook and 2 more Pike, one a bit bigger than the others.

One more wind change and a paddle to a new lilly pad field, but the Bullet dog had been roughed up pretty badly and wasn't darting with the same snap. I hooked a few more bass and they got off as I horsed them in while the whole day I had been holding fish very well on barbless hooks.