A Day on the Water
North Channel, Many Big Fish Hitting Poppers July 1, 2022
Low wind forecast, the wind shifted somewhat in direction and intensity, medium riffle to dead calm, offshore to up or down current. I adjusted tactics and spots to exploit what the weather was doing. No schools of white bass busting bait. The hex hatch was on going but hard to tell if it was ramping up or fading out. I saw no fish feeding on them but got 2 small bass on a #2 Hexy Mop Popper Mostly I was drifting out in the current, casting flashy 3/0 Marabou Bangers straight out across the currrent over 6 to 10...
Wakeley Lake Bass and Bluegill June 24, 2022
Started near dawn with no wind and caught some bass and small bluegills in lily pads near deeper water. There was a big morning hatch of newly emerged Damsel Flies, so the #4 Lime Mist MopWorm popper worked well. On a shoreline where I have seen isolated Alpha beds, I got some decent Bluegills and a big hybrid right before getting a smaller Pumpkin Seed. Wakeley Kayak Bluegill & Bass Mopworn Poppers I also tried where I had found post spawn, deeper water bluegill bed colonies last summer. There were a few of the big spawners still there but fishing...
Huron Cuttof & Metropark Kayak Bass, June 19, 2022
They were still getting Channel Catfish in the Huron River Cutoff channel where I launched at the fishing access site. The river water was still muddy, the wind was blowing offshore nicely. Wind drifting out the channel and jerk trolling some big flash Lake Trout streamers near the bottom got nothing. Trying scented jigs on gear tackle would be a good way to figure out what it will take to get channel cats in deeper water on flies. I got just two bass on a 3/0 Marabou Banger before the wind changed to onshore and the waves made kayak fishing...
Pristine Natural Lake BlueGills & Bass, June 16, 2022
The Huron River flows from a chain of clear water natural lakes, often there is a small dam below some of these lakes to raise the the water level a few feet. This lake has a camp ground launch and another public launch but few houses and about no destructive motor boat traffic. A couple were leaving with their electric motor John Boat and apparently a bucket of Bluegills on my late morning arrival. I paddled out to an area of mid lake shallow flats that I had found lots of good sized bedding bluegills years ago. I found beds...
Detroit River Island for Bass June 12, 2022
I paddled out from the defunct Ecorse Rowing Club launch which is now incorporated into the Wyandotte Park and Shore Fishing Access. About a half mile out was Grassy Island Wildlife Refuge. The bay side of the long rectangle and the and the two end caps has weed beds and little or no current that can hold Largemouth. Cold water and little weed growth today but still started with a popper and got nothing. I was hoping to find White Bass action by the eddies on the island ends and on the deep river current side of the island. ...