$4.00 per 30pack, 25pack or 20pack
Dumbbell Eyes, Brass & Lead Plated Silver, Gold, or Black
Regular price
HareLine Lead eyes fish deep and dive quickly on each pause.
Brass eyes are a lighter option, the Silver Plated is a nice bright white shade.
Metal Bead Chain (on a different page) is the lightest and cheapest choice.
Silver or Black are good eye colors. Dumbell Eyes flip a fly to the Hook Up orientation with more secure hook sets and less fouling on the bottom. Use for Clousers Minnows, Sculpins, Leeches, Swimming Nymph Patterns of Damsels, Dragons, Hex, Brown Drake and other Mayfly swimming nymph patterns.
Most Brass are $4.00 30pack, Lead are $4.00 20pack
Economical Black, Nickel and Gold Bead chain in 3 sizes on Metal Bead Chain page,
Unweighted Plastic bead Chain in many sizes and colors on Bead Chain Page.